Friday, January 2, 2015

Project 3:45

 It takes 4 minutes to microwave popcorn, 8 minutes to shower, and 30 minutes to watch a sitcom. In an average of just 3 minutes and 45 seconds a day, five days a week (Monday thru Friday), you could read the complete New Testament in one year! You would even have the weekends to catch up if you miss a day or two and still be done by 2016.

Get Started!
Don't have a Bible?
We will give you one for free! They are located by the HUB and Sunday School desk.
You can also download the Bible to your smartphone or tablet for free from YouVersion (see the app store or
The Bible along with great tools can also be accessed at

Let this year be different! Have a PLAN! Proverbs 21:5 says, "The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage...".

1. Take advantage of a Bible reading plan. They will help you stay on track with reading through the Bible in a year. Here are some great options:

A. YouVersion. Great for those with smart phones and tablets. Download the free app and choose the "Project 345" Reading Plan to read through the New Testament in a year. If you have recently read the New Testament and are up for the challenge check out "The Bible in a Year" Reading Plan or try the "For The Love of God" Reading Plan that will guide you through the entire Bible with a devotional commentary.

B. Print Copies. For some of us, it is best to have it on paper. The church offers 3 free devotionals that contain Bible reading plans: Open Windows (for men and women), Stand Firm (for men), and Journey (for women).

C. Use them both together, use them with your study Bible, in addition to your study Bible, ask a pastor for other suggestions, or choose a route of your own BUT start with a plan!

2. Start reading the Bible today. There is no reason to wait and no reason to postpone. It doesn't matter if you have missed a few days of the new year. Pick one of the above plans and start.

3. Choose a time. Yes you can read it while waiting in line at the grocery store or when someone else is driving the car, but set aside a specific time that you know can consistently work for you as well. Be consistent and persistent long enough for it form a good habit!

4. Don't just read to check it off your list. Pray before and after you read. Remember the point is to hear from God, to learn from Him as you read. You do not want to become so consumed with covering pages that you miss the power and understanding of what you are reading.

There are 365 days in a year and over 525,000 minutes... WE have 3 minutes and 45 seconds to invest in God's Word. Will you join me? We can do it!