Hi Church,
My family along with many others in our church and community were excited to start Parenting the Love and Logic Way® a few weeks back and due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the class was unable to take place. I am excited for another opportunity to partner with other participants in journeying through this together online. This will be a great opportunity for parents, grandparents, guardians, educators, those that serve in children’s ministry, and anyone that works with children.
See the information below, with instructions on registering for the FREE online course and information on how to get connected to the discussion group that will take place on Thursday Evenings at 7pm. Feel free to invite those you know that might be interested in this special limited time opportunity. Sign-up by Tuesday evening (see details below in an email from Bruce and Carla) to be part of this special time. Hope to see you online.
Pastor Jason
Love and Logic Parenting Online™ is now free! Check out the link for details.
Therefore, consider the following.
- Carla & Bruce Ferguson will host a weekly, one-hour discussion with those participating in Love and Logic Parenting Online™. Zoom meetings will be held at 7:00 PM each Thursday evening beginning April 23rd for seven weeks (ending June 4th).
- Interested parents will individually sign up for Love and Logic Parenting Online™ and let us know. Carla will invite each Zoom participant each week based on those viewing the online materials
- April 23rd will be Zero Week as we get acquainted. Before the April 30th Zoom meeting, each participant will be expected to have viewed the first session of Love and Logic Parenting Online™. Each week thereafter, each Zoom participant will be expected to view the Session to be discussed.
- All communication will be electronic (email, text, and Zoom). Although face-to-face meetings are best, we believe this to be a good alternative. It may take a little effort to get up to speed, but Carla and I are willing to assist with Zoom and the downloads.
Please let Bruce know by Tuesday evening (Apr 21) by email (b2f@msn.com) if you are interested in participating in Love and Logic Parenting Online™ and the weekly discussion group.
In the meantime, the check out the 15-minute Love and Logic® video by Dr. Charles Fay Dealing with Disrespect & Defiance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMOsBgUZYpQ&feature=emb_rel_pause
I think you will find it interesting.
Have a good weekend.
Bruce Ferguson {email} b2f@msn.com {cell} 334-703-5977
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